Thursday, November 29, 2012

What are you thankful for?  

That was the question at our Peace Dinner this month. Our youth team, kicked off the night doing a fun activity asking that very question. 

First they split the large group into five smaller groups. Each group was then given a section of a paper turkey. As a group they determined what they are all thankful for. Then wrote it on their section of the turkey. In the end, all five sections were combined to create a full turkey showing what our Peace Dinner Guests are thankful for!! 

It was great activity and really got everyone thinking.

Try this activity sometime to kick of a meeting, event or with your family. It brings everyone a little closer and finds out what each person really appreciates!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November Youth Team Member of the Month - Felecia Connor

Felecia is a Junior at DeLaSalle High School and has been a member of the youth team for several years! We asked her why she originally joined and she said, "It was a great volunteer opportunity that's goal is to help better the Northside!" She loves her community and continues to be a part of the team because of that!  

Over the years Felecia has learned how to work well with others of all different backgrounds. Her favorite part though, is being able to spend time with friends from all different schools. It is great bonding time!!

Thank you Felecia for all you do! We are so honored to have you as part of our team!